
  • The annual membership period runs from January to December (note that the new year's  licences are now available for collection and your 2024 licences are only valid until 31 January 2025.
  • Note that the ASA Domicile Rule applies, i.e. only persons who reside in the Cape Metropole area may be granted membership of running clubs affiliated to WPA. Durbac is affiliated to Western Province Athletics. Should you have a query in this regard, kindly forward an e-mail to advising us of your residential address and we will confirm your eligibility to join Durbac.
  • Durbac membership includes access to all 3 of our disciplines: Road, Cross Country, and Trail.
  • We offer Durbac senior members the option to join the Durbanville Golf Club as social members at a nominal annual fee.
  • There are no pro-rata membership fees applicable if you join later in the year. The full membership fee remains payable. The committee may at its discretion decide to lower membership fees in the last quarter of the year.

Senior Members (Standard)


includes R185 ASA license
Annual fee

Junior Members


Must be 19 years old and younger
Annual Fee

Senior Members (Social)


includes R185 ASA license
Annual fee

Please follow the following process to join

Step 1: Update your details at ASA
Register and Log on to NB - only members residing in the Cape Town Metropole are allowed to join the Durbanville Athletic Club.
Click in “Edit my details”, and make sure that you capture your correct details.  If you have an existing profile, please check and make sure that your email and cell phone number details are up to date.
  1. Click on save – you will see “Successfully updated” at the top of the page.
  2. Click on “Member Form”, and print this page.  Check the details and sign the form.
  3. Log out from the ASA site.
Print, fill in and sign the Durbac Indemnity Form that is available here : Durbac Indemnity Form. If you did not update your online ASA profile yourself, please print, complete & sign the ASA Form too .
Step 2: Pay your fees
Purchase your licence directly via the online shop (top right) through our online portal or Pay the appropriate membership fee (Senior or Junior) into the club bank account.

Account Holder: Durbanville Athletic Club
Bank: Standard Bank
Acc No.:  071 987 800
Branch Code:  051001
Reference:  Membership + your name and surname

Step 3: When you have been advised that the 2025 licences are available, collect your licence
The ASA licence numbers for 2025 are available for collection. Print the following:
  • ASA Member Form - signed.
  • Durbac indemnity form – signed.
  • Proof of payment
  • Juniors – copy of your birth certificate (required by WPA)
Take the above to Benjie and she will issue you with your ASA licence. Benjie Koopman Van der Merwe& Robertson, Heritage Square Building, Unit 1, 1st Floor C/O Vrede and Gladstone Street 021 976 4663 Office hours:  Mo – Fri  8:30-4:00.

Club kit is ordered on our online shop. We are currently in a transition phase. Our design and styles have not changed, but we have moved to a new fabric (Italian Lycra). Take a look at our socials for updates regarding pricing and sizes available as the two different shirts are currently held at different pick-up points.


To purchase club shirts / vests please visit our online store>> shop 

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