Club standards are a set of goal times that are set out to challenge any Durbac runner, no matter what their age. There are 3 standards, BRONZE, SILVER, and GOLD. These in turn are set for 4 race distances 10k, 15km, 21.1km and Marathon.
The idea is that each runner will look at the standards for their particular age group and gender. Then work out to which standard they wish to aim for, and achieve the standard 3 times within a calendar year for any of the 10k, 15km, or 21.1km distances. For the Marathon the standard must be achieved 2 times, or 1 x 42.2km and 1 x 56km. Any runner over the age of 35 must wear an age badge on their running vests during the races to qualify.
It’s the responsibility of the runner to submit their club standards to the Club Captains by 31 January to quality for club standards medals. Here is the form to be completed and submitted to Durbac Club Standards Application 2024
The goal times are for JUNIOR, SENIOR, SUB-VET (35-39), VET (40-49), MASTER (50-59), GRAND MASTER (61-69), ETC.
If someone changes age group in the year, they target the times in the age group they are in and carry any achievements over to the new age group – you do not forfeit what you achieved in the lower age group.